Tuesday 20 January 2015

Finalists Presentations

Finalists Presentations

        First of all congratulations to all of you who had their final presentations yesterday!!
I cannot believe this is it guys, the end of the journey of MAPP, I wonder how do you feel about this?! All of your hard work paid off, and now you can relax :-). I shared every little emotion with you yesterday! I know thought, that this end, is only new beginning for all of you. All these fantastic researches you have presented yesterday, only open new doors for your careers.
Due to the fact, that Im a full time mum, unfortunately I was able to watch only two morning presentation from Amber and Mary, but what an inspiring morning that was girls!! Im sure though, that presentations from Jamie and Amanda were wonderful and inspiring too. Shame I could not watch them!
Listening to those two morning presentation got me thinking, how different we approach dance, how different we think about dance and dance pedagogy, but at the same time how much in common we all have. This stroked me most when Amber handed us the sheet at the beginning of her presentation, to fill the positive and negative things about attending dance classes. Funny thing was that as a grown up women, professional dancer and teacher, I wrote same points as the little students of Amber's class she presented later. Really really enjoyed her presentation, very relaxed, presented in professional way. Looking at her I thought, thats the way I want to present my research, relaxed, in kind of story telling approach, but still ticking all of the boxes of research required. I definitely will think about this when my time comes in May. Thank you Amber for setting such a great example for me.
Then there is Mary, oh gosh, I wanted to be the Module One student again!! Her presentation gave me so many new ideas for a research subject, and if I still had a year ahead of me, I probably would choose something totally different that Im writing about now. Had such a brainstorm through her presentation, that I felt almost gutted that I cannot change my subject any more and start all over again. She was so inspiring to me!!
Thank you all for sharing your researches, knowledge and passion with us yesterday. I thought, that except great, detailed presentations you gave us, you were pure inspiration to us all.
What a great day, what a great journey, what a fantastic experience!! This programme got you so much richer as teachers, dancers and even ordinary people, and now its time share and spread your wonderful knowledge to the others. I wanted to wish you all the best for the future, enjoy the next journeys you will be on, and hopefully...till soon!!
